About Us
Most companies can see clearly the benefits of leveraging Salesforce to power their marketing, sales, customer service, and the back office. What isn't always straight forward however, is finding talented Salesforce consultants capable of transforming your vision into reality. As entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders your job is to make it up. Our job is to make it real.
Let's Talk about Your Vision and How We Can Make It Real with Salesforce
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Our Journey
JUNE 2016

Jessica is hired and she manages projects
To help keep the chaos at bay we've brought in Jessica to help us manage projects. Jessica is a ninja when it comes to keeping projects on track, and on budget. Clients notice the improvement of our timeliness and execution on projects. Jessica gets all the glory.
Charles joins Strategic Coach
I've joined Strategic Coach which is helping me to build a world class consulting firm where we do good work with great people for amazing clients.
We've doubled in size and the family is growing
Over the past 12 months we've doubled in size. We now have seven consultants, and three Salesforce admins. Chaos is starting to creep in; will need to build a management team soon.
JULY 2015

APRIL 2015
Salesforce support services launched
Although clients are getting off to a good start with our implementations, we realize they need help supporting their users with day to day support afterwards. We hire two Salesforce admins, and launch our Salesforce support services in response. For a flat monthly fee based on number of Salesforce users our clients get the support they need, and we get recurring revenue. Win/Win.
Growth is steady and the Fav Five is formed
We've continued to help more an more clients do awesome things with Salesforce within their organizations. This growth led us to bringing on three additional consultants over the past several months. We're now a solid group of five doing work we love. Life is good.
MAY 2014

We begin building free apps for Salesforce
Through working with our clients on their many projects we start to realize we're building the sames apps over and over again. We come up with the brilliant idea to package some of these apps, and release them for free. Companies love them, and now they want to work with us; accidental marketing genius.
MARCH 2013
Greg is hired and he is awesome
Greg is brought on as a senior consultant and Salesforce architect. As a small team there's no room for amateurs. Greg hits the ground running, and does an awesome job thus allowing us to take on bigger projects. Clients love him. First hire is a win!

Cloud Mastery
launched with focus on Salesforce
After finding myself immersed in Salesforce projects when we're supposed to be running an IT support/helpdesk company I realize it's time for a change. I sell out to my partners, and launch Cloud Mastery as a consulting firm, in Dallas TX, focused exclusively on Salesforce.
Charles finds the holy grail of business software
While building my IT services company I stumble across a client needing help with Salesforce. I spend the following weekend reading the entire Salesforce developer's guide, and create a solution to meet their needs that following week. I'm blown away at how much can be accomplished within such a short period of time. I'm convinced I've discovered the business software platform to end all platforms.
Let's Talk about Your Vision and How We Can Make It Real with Salesforce
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